Will Gedheg Dripper Become Indonesian's Unique Coffee Dripper?

This morning when I was scrolling my Instagram feed, I found something interesting. One of Instagram accounts I followed, @manual_brewing regrammmed an interesting photo. It was regrammed from an account @butuhkopi.co. The photo was about a homemade coffee dripper called gedheg dripper. The caption was written, “Gedheg dripper. Inspired by v60 dripper, with local wisdom material: bamboo webbing.”

Yes, the dripper was made from bamboo webbing and it looks like v60 dripper for most coffee lovers. Sadly, there was no information whether this dripper will be sold. Nor there was no information about the brewing results using this manual tool. From the photo, we can conclude that it used paper filter as well. From the comments on both accounts, some Instagram users expressed their intentions to buy and had this dripper. But sadly, both accounts couldn't give more explanation. Of course we cannot blame both of them, my attempt to find more information from Google couldn't give satisfactory results either.

Anyway, bamboo webbing is a common thing to use in Indonesia. Many things are made by bamboo webbing for traditional hat called caping, traditional rice bowl called bakul and even bag and purses. We even use bamboo webbing to make walls for traditional houses and floor mattress. So, this is a very interesting concept to brew coffee beans using this gedheg dripper. Personally I want to have one and hoping that it won't be as “expensive” as Hario v60 dripper. Maybe someday Indonesia can be considered one of those manual brewing tools producers like Japan.

So, what do you think about this coffee dripper? Would you like to have one or try to use it to brew? I will let you know if there is information if this product is available to purchase.


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