Do What Jesus Did Book Review

Author: Robby Dawkins
Publisher: Chosen Books
Pages: 256 pages
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What this book is about:

Robby Dwakins, a pastor of Vineyard Church wrote about various real stories that he and other people experienced when they let God worked through them. From casting out demons, healing people, to raise dead people.

What I like about this book:

I like how Robby was being honest about his own weaknesses. He didn't write it as if he was some kind of a super religious pastor. But he wrote it as an ordinary person who had weaknesses, doubts and fears like we are. Just as the main message in this book that God doesn't look for qualified people so He can use them. He is looking for people who are willing and available with all the weaknesses and brokenness.

What I read here were stories of ordinary people like me (and you) with their own struggles, weaknesses and problems. But they experienced God and were being used by God because they opened themselves to be used by God. And the results were amazing. 

Some people probably find it difficult to believe the authenticity of some stories. Whether God was and is still working the ways He did in Bible, the ways Jesus did in Bible. But I don't have difficulty to believe. Sometimes my heart was burnt when I read these stories, sometimes I almost cried to read how God relentlessly chase people in this book. It's all because He loves us some much and wants to have relationship with us. Like the verse I read in Bible that He is actually longing to be gracious to us, to lavish us with his love. 

Sometimes my heart cried out, asking God to do the same to me as He did to people in this book. I don't want him to forget me, but to heal, and restore me. Sometimes I wonder that He will use me the same way like he used these people. 

This book challenges me and dares me to believe that God is able to do beyond my imagination.
I started to apply some practical advice in this book and followed the examples of these people. For instance I prayed and commanded parts of my body to heal in the name of Jesus. I believe that God wants me to be free from pain. I cannot say that I have the same courage Robby has, or that I will go on streets and starting preaching Gospel like he did. But I want to grow in my faith and experience how God works his wonder in my life.

Note: The link to Amazon contains my affiliate link.


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